Ado is a proud graduate of the University of Colorado, where he earned a degree in Business. With a passion for the great outdoors, Ado loves spending time in nature, exploring the beautiful landscapes and mountains that surround them. An avid hiker, they can often be found traversing new trails, soaking in the breathtaking views.
At home, I am devoted husband to his lovely wife, Nela, and a proud father of two wonderful children. He cherishes spending quality time with his family, creating lasting memories together. Alongside them, Ado shares his life with three energetic dogs, who are always eager for an adventure. Whether it’s a weekend camping trip or a leisurely stroll in the park, Ado values every moment spent with his loved ones and furry friends. With a love for both the natural world and a strong foundation in business, Ado is excited to embrace new opportunities and challenges ahead.
Job TitleFounder / Owner / EstimatorEmailado.renovations@gmail.comPhone(303) 875-8797